Directed by Matt Streuli & Jas Couchman
Sponsored by Pinewood Studios
Iver Heath New Village Hall, SL0 0DA
Dates and prices on poster below.
Group and Pre-Pay Discounts if you call and pay today!
*Get a family ticket for ONLY £20 if you pay in 2010*
Snow White - Hannah Lovejoy
Prince Ferdinand - Danae Manger
Wicked Queen - Marion Calder
Wicked Queen - Marion Calder
Quill - Rob Chambers
Scribbles - Delphi Manger
Dame Edna - Matt Streuli
Chuckles - Chelsea Nicholls
Merlin the Mirror - Lee Hall
Fairy Fortune - Falcon Garman
Slurp - Tiffany Cassidy
Principle Understudy - Emily Campling
Principle Understudy - Emily Campling
The Dwarfs - u13 members lead by Zara Garman as Brainy
and perhaps our best chorus yet!!
Costumes by Susie Calder
Set and Stage Management by Ben Fisher and Terry Sharp
Musical Direction by Vicci Mitchell-Luker
Poster & Logo designed by Danae & Delphi Manger
For further infomation or to pay and reserve your seat call Sandra at our BOX OFFICE on 01753 652 616