And so the final curtain falls on this Blogger website we've called home for 4 years.
It will stay here for archive use. In the mean time I would like to personally thank Rob Chambers and Aidan Parr for their work on the new website with its bells and whistles.
The new website goes live today, Friday 19th September 2014 and can be found at
Thank you once again.
This is not the current IHDC Website
Thank you for visiting this website.
This is here for archive use only.
The new website is at
This is here for archive use only.
The new website is at
Friday, 19 September 2014
Thursday, 4 September 2014
Overview from A.G.M. 2014
General Meeting of
the Iver Heath Drama Club
at the Iver Heath New
Village Hall on Wednesday 3rd
September 2014 at 19:00hrs
you have any questions regarding the AGM please email or call Sandra on
01753 652 616. This is a brief summary of the AGM – full reports and minutes available on request.
Our Motto for 2015:
Promote the best, fundraise your best, support your best,
sing the best, try your best
and together we
can be the best we can be.
Dates for your diary
CARE rehearsal only – no panto : Wednesday 17th Sept
CARE rehearsal only – no panto : Wednesday 17th Sept
QUIZ Night: Saturday 4th October
@ 6pm
Drama Festival :CARE - TBC shortly but expect mid October.
Dates (6 shows in total): Sat
Jan, Sun 1st
Feb, Fri
Feb, Sat 7th
Links mentioned by Matt – WE NEED TO FUNDRAISE!
website is and please LIKE - invite your
friends to like too!
• Everytime you search online
you raise money for IHDC! Set as your homepage -
Thunderclap! A flash mob on social media!
REPORT by Matt Streuli, Vice-Chairman & Publicity Officer
The 2013-2014 season for our club was fantastic. In 2013 we
performed 3 shows, the Adults showed off their Romeo and Juliet, the award
winning youngsters performed Alice in Wonderland at the Woking Drama Festival
and we had pantomime.
We've been lucky enough to perform four shows this year:
Cinderella at the start of the year, and then our two summer shows; a Midsummer
night's dream by our our youth team, and then our first Farce in Two Weddings
and a conference. Our teenagers are finishing the year with a great play called
Care at the Woking Drama Festival.
Sandra and myself are immensely proud of our club. Most
amdram clubs and even theatre schools struggle to perform 2 shows a year and
yet we are doing 4 shows giving everyone different chances in the limelight.
Iver Heath is an diverse community: in Wood Lane there are
mansions worth over £2 million and yet there are people living in poverty on
benefits just 10 minutes walk away. At IHDC, everyone is equal and it is
fantastic to see children & adults from across the spectrum of wealth,
culture, skillset and ability working together over the past 66 years HOWEVER
we need your help in a BIG way if we are to continue.
Earlier this year the charity which runs the village hall
announced they would be increasing our rates. We do still have good rates but
our weekly hall rent has almost doubled. I have negotiated with the hall and
they have told me that they believe all hirers should pay roughly the same and
I of course argued that not-for-profit community groups like us or the Toddlers
and Mums club should pay less compared to a business. Either way, we need to raise
more money otherwise we will fall hundreds of pounds short of our rent. I am
sure those of you who read our website or facebook every few weeks will be
aware of this.
So, I can announce that we will be increasing the membership
fees for adults aged 16 and above to £3 per week. Under 16s will remain at £2.
We are hoping that an extra pound a week will not impact to heavily on our
members but will generate a good portion of the money needed to cover the hike.
This goes into effect from NEXT WEEK (Wed 10th).
We will also be increasing panto tickets from £8 for adults,
£5 for Concessions and £22 for families up to £9 for adults, £6 for concessions
and £25 for families. Considering we have not increased ticket prices for
several years and that we are considerably cheaper than our nearest panto
competition (Richings Players I believe charged £14 per adult last year) we
hope this small increase will not impact on our audience too much. However it
means we need you MORE THAN EVER to convince your friends, family, work
colleagues and neighbours that we are worth that price. I think the shows we
put on here are worth a lot more than that but I need you all to promote it.
Last year we sold 550 tickets, I need you to tweet, facebook, email and leaflet
so we reach that target again.
We are looking into grants from Buckinghamshire Community
Fund, which Carol is applying too, and Sandra Corcorcan our chairman and local
Parish Councillor Louisa Sullivan are helping Aidan Parr apply to the Iver
Parish Council grant. I am also asking Pinewood Studios for a donation although
they have been worried about how that might look over the past few years in
relation to Project Pinewood.
We cannot rely on grants, there is no guarantee we will get
them which is why I need your help in fundraising.
Emily Ashraf’s mum, Alison, is running the Maidenhead
Marathon and has announced she is fundraising for St Margret’s Church and our
drama club. She is here tonight with her sponsor form so please if you can
donate. The church has supported us for a long time as Reg will confirm so its
great to support them at the same time.
I am arranging a fundraising Quiz Night on Saturday 4th
October starting at 6pm. Bring your friends and family. Bring your own picnic
and drinks. Under 16s must bring their parents/carers. The prizes will be worth
it! Just RSVP and invite your friends on our facebook page.
Finally three quick points two of which are the easiest way
of fundraising I’ve ever heard of.
First, I am sure many of you shop online with or
Next, eBay and M&S. Well if you go via the IHDC EasyFundraising page then
we get the cashback. It doesn’t cost you anything extra so please for your next
tesco shop or with xmas coming up buy via our website.
Number 2 – EasySearch, everytime you search using our search
engine we get a couple of pence. It doesn’t sound alot but if everyone here
used our search engine instead of Google... well we could hit £10 a week
easily... £10 doesnt sound like alot but its money we don’t have.
And finally I am always looking for cheap but effective ways
to promote our panto. Social media is key and it is free. But it doesn’t work
if you don’t share statuses or retweet. So we’ve found a idea called
THUNDERCLAP. Think of it as an "online flash mob." When you click
join and support, you and others will share the same pre-determinded message at
the same time, spreading an idea through Facebook and Twitter. It takes 10
seconds and will only send this one message. Nothing more. This morning we had
25 people sign up. We need you to sign up and get us to 50.
In summary,
If we all do these little things, donate things we can like
a tin of paint or maybe do a cake sale, if we all pull together then we can
keep membership low, keep ticket prices reasonable and still be the best.
Thank you all for your hard work and as we enter year 66 I want our motto to be:– be the best we can be.
Thank you all for your hard work and as we enter year 66 I want our motto to be:– be the best we can be.
Promote the best, support the best, sing the best, try the best and together we can be the best we can be.
Tuesday, 26 August 2014
AGM Notice & Invite PLUS Claire's Ice Bucket Challenge
You are invited to attend the
Annual General Meeting
of the
Iver Heath Drama Club
at the Iver Heath New Village Hall
on Wednesday 3rd September 2014
starting at 19:00hrs
All members are requested to attend. The meeting should be finished by 8pm when pantomime rehearsals will resume. The general public are welcome and invited. All members aged under 16 years of age are asked to bring their parent/carer/responsable adult.
If you have any questions regarding the AGM or questions you would like answered at the AGM please email or
What is an AGM?
The committee who run the club hold a open meeting once a year to explain to the members and the wider public what it has been doing for example where has profits from shows and membership fees been spent. It also where the club elects who is on the committee.The committee runs the club and maintains the policies which rule the club - all of these are available to read online for FREE at
Who is on the committee at the moment?
The full list is below including who is (at this time) standing for re-election and who is stepping down. Where there is a vacancy and you are interested in joining the committee please contact Some positions only require a few extra hours occasionally where as other posts require several hours each week.
Chairman Sandra
Corcoran - Restanding
Vice-Chairman Matt Streuli - Restanding
Club Secretary Carol Campling - Restanding
Treasurer Terry
Sharp - Restanding
Publicity & Media Matt
Streuli - Restanding
Committee Members
Technical Manager & Village Hall Liaison James Pearce - Restanding
Adult Representative Claire Freeman - Restanding
Costume Susie Calder - Awaiting confirmation of Restanding
Parent Representative Vicki
Alone - Restanding
Club Representative Helen Theochari - Awaiting confirmation of Restanding
Junior Representative Emily
Campling - Restanding
Committee Deputy Abigail
Eady - Awaiting confirmation of Restanding
Secretary Deputy Aidan
Parr - Restanding
Club Representative. Zoe Munro - Awaiting confirmation of Restanding
As per our Environmental Policy we are trying to limit the amount of paper and ink we use. If you would like paper copies of any of our policies or anything discussed at the AGM, such as accounts, please contact Sandra on 01753 652 616 or speak to at the AGM. Otherwise click here for all policies.
FUNDRAISING Quiz Night - Save the Date!
Saturday 4th October @ 6pm
Quiz starts at 6:30pm. Teams of 5 max and we recommend having a range of ages ;)
£3 per adult (16+) and £2 for children. Non, old or New IHDC members are welcome.
Bring your own snacks and drinks (tuck shop will be open early evening).
Hosted and written by our own 'Pointless' Matt Streuli and Joe Campling.
Children welcome however they must be accompanied by their parents / Carers.
Profits go towards funding the Iver Heath Drama Club (a not for profit community group run by volunteers) into their 67th year and their forthcoming panto: ROBIN HOOD AND THE BABES IN THE WOOD (Directed by Claire Freeman and written by Alan P Fryan).
Saturday 4th October @ 6pm
Quiz starts at 6:30pm. Teams of 5 max and we recommend having a range of ages ;)
£3 per adult (16+) and £2 for children. Non, old or New IHDC members are welcome.
Bring your own snacks and drinks (tuck shop will be open early evening).
Hosted and written by our own 'Pointless' Matt Streuli and Joe Campling.
Children welcome however they must be accompanied by their parents / Carers.
Profits go towards funding the Iver Heath Drama Club (a not for profit community group run by volunteers) into their 67th year and their forthcoming panto: ROBIN HOOD AND THE BABES IN THE WOOD (Directed by Claire Freeman and written by Alan P Fryan).
Thursday, 26 June 2014
It's Show time! Summer 2014
Our normal July newsletter will follow later in the month. Previous E-newsletters are below and on the IHDC Facebook page.
Don't forget that IHDC runs all year (except for a week or two at Christmas), and we survive purely on membership fees and profits from shows. We are run by volunteers who give up alot of their time for this great community asset.
Summer Show: 'A Midsummer's Night Dream' and 'Two Weddings and a Conference"
Iver Heath New Village Hall, SL0 0DA
Wednesday 9th July - 7:30pm (Doors open from 7pm)
Saturday 12th July - 5:00pm (Doors from 4:30pm)
Two One-Act-Plays. in one show for ONE ticket!!
Tickets are £5.00 each - You need to book their tickets on the box office number 01753 652616 ASAP
The Youth Group are a 40 minute version of Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer's Night Dream' followed by the Adults, who after the interval are performing a 1h10 comedy called 'Two Weddings and a Conference".
Pictures of both shows are available here and by looking at previous blog posts.
The adult's show is rated 'PG'. The adult humour is similar to Shrek and whilst 'rude' in places it is unlikely that younger viewers will get all the jokes ;)
We are all really grateful for the time and effort the kids and adults are putting in for this summer show, and what a show it's shaping up to be, however we really need you to ensure the kids and adults are at all rehearsals and the shows now!
On the subject of the shows if you want to see your children perform and, let's face it who wouldn't as they are all amazing, please call to prebook tickets ASAP also if you give your child's name they could win a prize for selling the most tickets!
So friends/ family need to book their tickets on the box office number 01753 652616 ASAP and quote the cast member's name when they book! One person has sold over 10 tickets already! The prize will be a choice of cinema vouchers, bottle of fizz or sweetie hamper. SO... GET DIALLING!!
If we can make a profit from the Summer Shows it will go towards paying for the forthcoming Pantomime (ROBIN HOOD) which starts rehearsals late July. (New Adult Members welcome, check out our last newsletter!)
Wednesday 9th July - 7:30pm = Crew from 6pm & Cast from 6:30pm
Saturday 12th July - 5:00pm = Crew from 2:30pm & Cast from 3:30pm
Full costume and props and make up on Wednesday - THIS IS YOUR LAST REHEARSAL
Dates for your Diary:
Please scroll down to our last newsletter for latest events or check our Facebook page!
FUNDRAISING Quiz Night - Save the Date!
Saturday 4th October @ 6pm
Quiz starts at 6:30pm. Teams of 5 max and we recommend having a range of ages ;)
£3 per adult (16+) and £2 for children. Non, old or New IHDC members are welcome.
Prizes include: TO BE CONFIRMED
Bring your own snacks and drinks (tuck shop will be open early evening).
Hosted and written by our own 'Pointless' Matt Streuli and Joe Campling.
Children welcome however they must be accompanied by their parents / Carers.
Profits go towards funding the Iver Heath Drama Club (a not for profit community group run by volunteers) into their 67th year and their forthcoming panto: ROBIN HOOD AND THE BABES IN THE WOOD (Directed by Claire Freeman and written by Alan P Fryan).
PLEASE NOTE - that our Policies have now been updated. Please read them on our website They apply to all members and anyone who attends an IHDC event.
Don't forget that IHDC runs all year (except for a week or two at Christmas), and we survive purely on membership fees and profits from shows. We are run by volunteers who give up alot of their time for this great community asset.
Summer Show: 'A Midsummer's Night Dream' and 'Two Weddings and a Conference"
Iver Heath New Village Hall, SL0 0DA
Wednesday 9th July - 7:30pm (Doors open from 7pm)
Saturday 12th July - 5:00pm (Doors from 4:30pm)
Two One-Act-Plays. in one show for ONE ticket!!
Tickets are £5.00 each - You need to book their tickets on the box office number 01753 652616 ASAP
The Youth Group are a 40 minute version of Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer's Night Dream' followed by the Adults, who after the interval are performing a 1h10 comedy called 'Two Weddings and a Conference".
Pictures of both shows are available here and by looking at previous blog posts.
The adult's show is rated 'PG'. The adult humour is similar to Shrek and whilst 'rude' in places it is unlikely that younger viewers will get all the jokes ;)
We are all really grateful for the time and effort the kids and adults are putting in for this summer show, and what a show it's shaping up to be, however we really need you to ensure the kids and adults are at all rehearsals and the shows now!
On the subject of the shows if you want to see your children perform and, let's face it who wouldn't as they are all amazing, please call to prebook tickets ASAP also if you give your child's name they could win a prize for selling the most tickets!
So friends/ family need to book their tickets on the box office number 01753 652616 ASAP and quote the cast member's name when they book! One person has sold over 10 tickets already! The prize will be a choice of cinema vouchers, bottle of fizz or sweetie hamper. SO... GET DIALLING!!
If we can make a profit from the Summer Shows it will go towards paying for the forthcoming Pantomime (ROBIN HOOD) which starts rehearsals late July. (New Adult Members welcome, check out our last newsletter!)

Wednesday 9th July - 7:30pm = Crew from 6pm & Cast from 6:30pm
Saturday 12th July - 5:00pm = Crew from 2:30pm & Cast from 3:30pm
Full costume and props and make up on Wednesday - THIS IS YOUR LAST REHEARSAL
Dates for your Diary:
Please scroll down to our last newsletter for latest events or check our Facebook page!
FUNDRAISING Quiz Night - Save the Date!
Saturday 4th October @ 6pm
Quiz starts at 6:30pm. Teams of 5 max and we recommend having a range of ages ;)
£3 per adult (16+) and £2 for children. Non, old or New IHDC members are welcome.
Prizes include: TO BE CONFIRMED
Bring your own snacks and drinks (tuck shop will be open early evening).
Hosted and written by our own 'Pointless' Matt Streuli and Joe Campling.
Children welcome however they must be accompanied by their parents / Carers.
Profits go towards funding the Iver Heath Drama Club (a not for profit community group run by volunteers) into their 67th year and their forthcoming panto: ROBIN HOOD AND THE BABES IN THE WOOD (Directed by Claire Freeman and written by Alan P Fryan).
PLEASE NOTE - that our Policies have now been updated. Please read them on our website They apply to all members and anyone who attends an IHDC event.
Visit our NEW Merchandising shop:
Tuesday, 17 June 2014
June 2014 - UPDATE
Scroll down for the Main June e-Newsletter:
Please note the change of times!
Sunday 22nd June at Iver Heath Hall
Youth Show 10am-12pm
Sunday 22nd June at Iver Heath Hall
Youth Show 10am-12pm
Adults 2pm – 7pm
Visit our NEW Merchandising shop:
Monday, 2 June 2014
June 2014 - Tickets on sale now!
Hello and welcome to the June edition of our e-Newsletter. Where has the past 6 months gone? Its nearly panto time already!
Don't forget that IHDC runs all year (except for a week or two at Christmas), and we survive purely on membership fees and profits from shows. We are run by volunteers who give up alot of their time for this great community asset.
PLEASE NOTE - that our Policies are being updated. Please read them on our website They apply too all members and anyone who attends an IHDC event.
Saturday 7th June -From 1pm @ Iver Heath Junior School
Robin Hood will be there performing a song and dance and depending on commitments IHDC may have a stall.
Summer Show: 'A Midsummer's Night Dream' and 'Two Weddings and a Conference"
Iver Heath New Village Hall, SL0 0DA
Wednesday 9th July - 7:30pm
Saturday 12th July - 5:00pm
Two One-Act-Plays.
The Youth Group are a 35 minute version of Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer's Night Dream' whilst the Adults are performing a 1h10 comedy called 'Two Weddings and a Conference". Tickets go on sale later this month (keep an eye on Facebook for more) at £5.00 each (under 5s go free). The adult's show is rated 'PG'. The adult humour is similar to Shrek and whilst 'rude' in places it is unlikely that younger viewers will get all the jokes ;)
EXTRA REHEARSAL - on Sunday 22nd June at Iver Heath Hall. Youth show, 2pm-4:15pm. Adults 4pm to 7:45pm. Thanks
New Members?
We are looking for new adult members (aged 20+) of all ages and abilities on and off stage. We currently have a waiting list for Children and Teenagers.
This becuase we are not a school - we are a volunteer group - and in accordance with our Child Protection Policy and physical size of the stage we cannot take new Under 18 members until later this year.
Dates for your Diary:
Ivers' Party in the Park : Saturday 5th July 2014
Iver Rec Ground
From 2pm (tbc) @ Iver Rec Ground. IHDC has two stalls - one of which is a REAL HERBIE! If you have prizes or would like to volunteer to help please email - Check our Facebook for more or visit
Summer Show: 'A Midsummer's Night Dream' and 'Two Weddings and a Conference"
Iver Heath New Village Hall TICKETS ON SALE NOW - 01753 652 616
Wednesday 9th July - 7:30pm
Saturday 12th July - 5:00pm
Two One-Act-Plays. The Youth Group are a 35 minute version of Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer's Night Dream' whilst the Adults are performing a 1h10 comedy called 'Two Weddings and a Conference". Tickets go on sale later this month (keep an eye on Facebook for more). The adult's show is rated 'PG'. The adult humour is similar to Shrek and whilst 'rude' in places it is unlikely that younger viewers will get all the jokes ;)
Woking Drama Festival 2014 - Teenage Play - October 2014
Rhoda McGraw Theatre, Woking
Produced and Directed by Terry Sharp we are entering a one-act play starring just the older teens of the club. Details to follow. Can we win a 3rd award in our Three years of taking part?
Apple Day - Late October 2014
Home Cottage Farm, Iver Heath
From 2pm (tbc) . IHDC will be planning something similar to the Party in the Park event. If you have prizes or would like to volunteer to help please email - Check facebook for more or
Panto 2015: Robin Hood and the Babes in the Wood - Late Jan/Early Feb 2015
Iver Heath New Village Hall
Dates once confirmed will appear on IHDC Facebook. Tickets will be rising slightly compared to last year.
Don't forget that IHDC runs all year (except for a week or two at Christmas), and we survive purely on membership fees and profits from shows. We are run by volunteers who give up alot of their time for this great community asset.
PLEASE NOTE - that our Policies are being updated. Please read them on our website They apply too all members and anyone who attends an IHDC event.
Saturday 7th June -From 1pm @ Iver Heath Junior School
Robin Hood will be there performing a song and dance and depending on commitments IHDC may have a stall.
Summer Show: 'A Midsummer's Night Dream' and 'Two Weddings and a Conference"
Iver Heath New Village Hall, SL0 0DA
Wednesday 9th July - 7:30pm
Saturday 12th July - 5:00pm
Two One-Act-Plays.
The Youth Group are a 35 minute version of Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer's Night Dream' whilst the Adults are performing a 1h10 comedy called 'Two Weddings and a Conference". Tickets go on sale later this month (keep an eye on Facebook for more) at £5.00 each (under 5s go free). The adult's show is rated 'PG'. The adult humour is similar to Shrek and whilst 'rude' in places it is unlikely that younger viewers will get all the jokes ;)
EXTRA REHEARSAL - on Sunday 22nd June at Iver Heath Hall. Youth show, 2pm-4:15pm. Adults 4pm to 7:45pm. Thanks
New Members?
We are looking for new adult members (aged 20+) of all ages and abilities on and off stage. We currently have a waiting list for Children and Teenagers.
This becuase we are not a school - we are a volunteer group - and in accordance with our Child Protection Policy and physical size of the stage we cannot take new Under 18 members until later this year.
Dates for your Diary:
Ivers' Party in the Park : Saturday 5th July 2014
Iver Rec Ground
From 2pm (tbc) @ Iver Rec Ground. IHDC has two stalls - one of which is a REAL HERBIE! If you have prizes or would like to volunteer to help please email - Check our Facebook for more or visit
Summer Show: 'A Midsummer's Night Dream' and 'Two Weddings and a Conference"
Iver Heath New Village Hall TICKETS ON SALE NOW - 01753 652 616
Wednesday 9th July - 7:30pm
Saturday 12th July - 5:00pm
Two One-Act-Plays. The Youth Group are a 35 minute version of Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer's Night Dream' whilst the Adults are performing a 1h10 comedy called 'Two Weddings and a Conference". Tickets go on sale later this month (keep an eye on Facebook for more). The adult's show is rated 'PG'. The adult humour is similar to Shrek and whilst 'rude' in places it is unlikely that younger viewers will get all the jokes ;)
Woking Drama Festival 2014 - Teenage Play - October 2014
Rhoda McGraw Theatre, Woking
Produced and Directed by Terry Sharp we are entering a one-act play starring just the older teens of the club. Details to follow. Can we win a 3rd award in our Three years of taking part?
Apple Day - Late October 2014
Home Cottage Farm, Iver Heath
From 2pm (tbc) . IHDC will be planning something similar to the Party in the Park event. If you have prizes or would like to volunteer to help please email - Check facebook for more or
Panto 2015: Robin Hood and the Babes in the Wood - Late Jan/Early Feb 2015
Iver Heath New Village Hall
Dates once confirmed will appear on IHDC Facebook. Tickets will be rising slightly compared to last year.
Wednesday, 30 April 2014
May Day! - May 2014 e-newsletter
Daisy's App is a hit!
Daisy Adams (aged 10) only joined IHDC in Summer 2013 and became part of the family straight away. She has taken the summer off to focus on other fun things (can't wait to see you back for Robin Hood!) including narrating a educational adventure game about Archie Potts who goes back in time to Egypt! Well done Daisy! It looks amazing!
The app is available on iPads now and there is more information on
Show Dates, Cinderella 2014 videos and Fundraising!
Scroll down or click here for April's news where we have listed all our show dates and fundraising dates plus a link to our YouTube videos.
New Members?
We are looking for new adult members (aged 20+) of all ages and abilities on and off stage. We currently have a waiting list for Children and Teenagers. This becuase we are not a school - we are a volunteer group - and in accordance with our Child Protection Policy and physical size of the stage we cannot take new Under 18 members until later this year.
Summer Shows Update
Summer Show: 'A Midsummer's Night Dream' and 'Two Weddings and a Conference"
Iver Heath New Village Hall, SL0 0DA
Wednesday 9th July - 7:30pm
Saturday 12th July - 5:00pm
Two One-Act-Plays. The Youth Group are a 35 minute version of Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer's Night Dream' whilst the Adults are performing a 1h10 comedy called 'Two Weddings and a Conference". Tickets go on sale later this month (keep an eye on Facebook for more) at £5.00 each (under 5s go free). The adult's show is rated 'PG'. The adult humour is similar to Shrek and whilst 'rude' in places it is unlikely that younger viewers will get all the jokes ;)
EXTRA REHEARSAL - on Sunday 22nd June at Iver Heath Hall. Youth show, 2pm-4pm. Adults 4pm to 7:45pm. Thanks
The Youth show is progressing very nicely and Terry ran a workshop with them to help them project and act with their voices - which is harder than it sounds - and they are doing really well at learning their lines.
Dot Cosgrove, Director of the Adult show, has now cast the play and is even adjusting the script to make sure everyone is involved. Feedback from the first full rehearsal was excellent with people enjoying having different and new input. Make Up and Hair trials will start soon, run by Dot and Claire, whilst Dot is asking main cast to bring any costume suggestions they have/own already - especially black shirts and suits.
The poster for the adult play is below but the youngsters will be coming soon - keep an eye on Facebook!
Daisy Adams (aged 10) only joined IHDC in Summer 2013 and became part of the family straight away. She has taken the summer off to focus on other fun things (can't wait to see you back for Robin Hood!) including narrating a educational adventure game about Archie Potts who goes back in time to Egypt! Well done Daisy! It looks amazing!
The app is available on iPads now and there is more information on
Show Dates, Cinderella 2014 videos and Fundraising!
Scroll down or click here for April's news where we have listed all our show dates and fundraising dates plus a link to our YouTube videos.
New Members?
We are looking for new adult members (aged 20+) of all ages and abilities on and off stage. We currently have a waiting list for Children and Teenagers. This becuase we are not a school - we are a volunteer group - and in accordance with our Child Protection Policy and physical size of the stage we cannot take new Under 18 members until later this year.
Summer Shows Update
Summer Show: 'A Midsummer's Night Dream' and 'Two Weddings and a Conference"
Iver Heath New Village Hall, SL0 0DA
Wednesday 9th July - 7:30pm
Saturday 12th July - 5:00pm
Two One-Act-Plays. The Youth Group are a 35 minute version of Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer's Night Dream' whilst the Adults are performing a 1h10 comedy called 'Two Weddings and a Conference". Tickets go on sale later this month (keep an eye on Facebook for more) at £5.00 each (under 5s go free). The adult's show is rated 'PG'. The adult humour is similar to Shrek and whilst 'rude' in places it is unlikely that younger viewers will get all the jokes ;)
EXTRA REHEARSAL - on Sunday 22nd June at Iver Heath Hall. Youth show, 2pm-4pm. Adults 4pm to 7:45pm. Thanks
The Youth show is progressing very nicely and Terry ran a workshop with them to help them project and act with their voices - which is harder than it sounds - and they are doing really well at learning their lines.
Dot Cosgrove, Director of the Adult show, has now cast the play and is even adjusting the script to make sure everyone is involved. Feedback from the first full rehearsal was excellent with people enjoying having different and new input. Make Up and Hair trials will start soon, run by Dot and Claire, whilst Dot is asking main cast to bring any costume suggestions they have/own already - especially black shirts and suits.
The poster for the adult play is below but the youngsters will be coming soon - keep an eye on Facebook!
Monday, 31 March 2014
April 2014 - Panto is Cast and Summer Shows are GO!
Have you read our Constitution? Code of Conduct? or the new Child and Vulnerable Adult Policy?
By attending any IHDC event or rehearsal you agree to abide by and help enforce the rules in these documents, or if your child attends the club then you agree to do the same by default. They can all be found on the IHDC website or - along with the Robin Hood Songbook :)
Matt's Runner Up Community Champion Award
"South Bucks District Council held its Chairman’s Community and Volunteering 2014 Awards at the South Buckinghamshire clubhouse, in Stoke Poges. Winners were applauded for the work they do at an evening reception. Chairman of South Bucks District Council, councillor Santokh Chhokar said: “The evening was a great success and everyone really enjoyed themselves."
Matt didn't win the award it self - always next year! Picture at the end of the blog/newsletter.
A big well done though to Fredrick Batchelor from Iver Heath won the community champion award for his pivotal role in keeping the Iver Heath Community Library project on course.
As you may of seen in our previous newsletters we need to look at fundraising to help offset the increase in hall hire and general costs we are seeing - including inflation. We would love your ideas but also your help :)
We're also looking for a small doughnut machine. Do you own one we could borrow? Check our Facebook for more
Summer Shows
Check our Facebook for more. Dates at bottom
Our Youth team is already hard at work on their adaptation of Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer's Night Dream' whilst the adults are about to cast their comedy "Two Weddings and a Conference". Shows dates and details below.
Cinderella 2014:
Please see March's newsletter for a full report. The DVD's have now all been delivered and the first 'clip' has appeared on YouTube - just a quick note that Matt posts these on his personal YouTube, so some of the videos might not be 'family suitable'.
Pantomime: Robin Hood and the Babes in the Wood
"Robin Hood the 2015 has been cast. Thanks to all who auditioned I am so glad everyone will have a speaking part this year as you never fail to amaze me with your auditions and talent!" - Claire Freeman
This panto has the largest chorus ever, - in fact they have more songs and lines than the Dame and everyone who auditioned agreed to that if they were not in the main cast then they would have a speaking/singing part in the chorus - and I expect everyone who auditioned to stand by this promise 100%- the chorus MAKE the pantomime and I honestly believe we had the best chorus ever in 2014. Panto is a team effort.
The line up is;
Robin- Lee Hall
Marian- Lucy Campling
Will Scarlet- Emily Campling
Friar Tuck- John Williams
Little John- Aidan Parr
Sheriff- Terry Sharp
Snivel- Falcon Garman
Grovel- Louis Theochari
Nellie- Matt Streuli
Bard- Carl Hopcroft
Sam- Charlie Williams & Connor Mcginn
Ella- Alice Campling & Courtney ????
Minstrel- Emily Miller
Guy of Gisburn - Abi Eady
Dates for your Diary:
Ivers' Party in the Park : Saturday 5th July 2014
Iver Rec Ground
From 2pm (tbc) @ Iver Rec Ground. IHDC has two stalls. If you have prizes or would like to volunteer to help please email - Check our Facebook for more or visit
Summer Show: 'A Midsummer's Night Dream' and 'Two Weddings and a Conference"
Iver Heath New Village Hall
Wednesday 9th July - 7:30pm
Saturday 12th July - 5:00pm
Two One-Act-Plays. The Youth Group are a 35 minute version of Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer's Night Dream' whilst the Adults are performing a 1h10 comedy called 'Two Weddings and a Conference". Tickets go on sale later this month (keep an eye on Facebook for more). The adult's show is rated 'PG'. The adult humour is similar to Shrek and whilst 'rude' in places it is unlikely that younger viewers will get all the jokes ;)
Woking Drama Festival 2014 - Teenage Play - October 2014
Rhoda McGraw Theatre, Woking
Produced and Directed by Terry Sharp we are entering a one-act play starring just the older teens of the club. Details to follow. Can we win a 3rd award in our Three years of taking part?
Apple Day - Late October 2014
Home Cottage Farm, Iver Heath
From 2pm (tbc) . IHDC will be planning something similar to the Party in the Park event. If you have prizes or would like to volunteer to help please email - Check facebook for more or
Panto 2015: Robin Hood and the Babes in the Wood - Late Jan/Early Feb 2015
Iver Heath New Village Hall
Dates once confirmed will appear on IHDC Facebook. Tickets will be rising slightly compared to last year. We have already started taking bookings (Hello to Uxbridge Scouts who have booked 70? seats for the last show!)
Matt Streuli (2nd from Right) receives a 'Runner-up' certificate at South Bucks District Council awards. Thanks to Eric Streuli
By attending any IHDC event or rehearsal you agree to abide by and help enforce the rules in these documents, or if your child attends the club then you agree to do the same by default. They can all be found on the IHDC website or - along with the Robin Hood Songbook :)
Matt's Runner Up Community Champion Award
"South Bucks District Council held its Chairman’s Community and Volunteering 2014 Awards at the South Buckinghamshire clubhouse, in Stoke Poges. Winners were applauded for the work they do at an evening reception. Chairman of South Bucks District Council, councillor Santokh Chhokar said: “The evening was a great success and everyone really enjoyed themselves."
Matt didn't win the award it self - always next year! Picture at the end of the blog/newsletter.
A big well done though to Fredrick Batchelor from Iver Heath won the community champion award for his pivotal role in keeping the Iver Heath Community Library project on course.
As you may of seen in our previous newsletters we need to look at fundraising to help offset the increase in hall hire and general costs we are seeing - including inflation. We would love your ideas but also your help :)
We're also looking for a small doughnut machine. Do you own one we could borrow? Check our Facebook for more
Summer Shows
Check our Facebook for more. Dates at bottom
Our Youth team is already hard at work on their adaptation of Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer's Night Dream' whilst the adults are about to cast their comedy "Two Weddings and a Conference". Shows dates and details below.
Cinderella 2014:
Please see March's newsletter for a full report. The DVD's have now all been delivered and the first 'clip' has appeared on YouTube - just a quick note that Matt posts these on his personal YouTube, so some of the videos might not be 'family suitable'.
Pantomime: Robin Hood and the Babes in the Wood
"Robin Hood the 2015 has been cast. Thanks to all who auditioned I am so glad everyone will have a speaking part this year as you never fail to amaze me with your auditions and talent!" - Claire Freeman
This panto has the largest chorus ever, - in fact they have more songs and lines than the Dame and everyone who auditioned agreed to that if they were not in the main cast then they would have a speaking/singing part in the chorus - and I expect everyone who auditioned to stand by this promise 100%- the chorus MAKE the pantomime and I honestly believe we had the best chorus ever in 2014. Panto is a team effort.
The line up is;
Robin- Lee Hall
Marian- Lucy Campling
Will Scarlet- Emily Campling
Friar Tuck- John Williams
Little John- Aidan Parr
Sheriff- Terry Sharp
Snivel- Falcon Garman
Grovel- Louis Theochari
Nellie- Matt Streuli
Bard- Carl Hopcroft
Sam- Charlie Williams & Connor Mcginn
Ella- Alice Campling & Courtney ????
Minstrel- Emily Miller
Guy of Gisburn - Abi Eady
Dates for your Diary:
Ivers' Party in the Park : Saturday 5th July 2014
Iver Rec Ground
From 2pm (tbc) @ Iver Rec Ground. IHDC has two stalls. If you have prizes or would like to volunteer to help please email - Check our Facebook for more or visit
Summer Show: 'A Midsummer's Night Dream' and 'Two Weddings and a Conference"
Iver Heath New Village Hall
Wednesday 9th July - 7:30pm
Saturday 12th July - 5:00pm
Two One-Act-Plays. The Youth Group are a 35 minute version of Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer's Night Dream' whilst the Adults are performing a 1h10 comedy called 'Two Weddings and a Conference". Tickets go on sale later this month (keep an eye on Facebook for more). The adult's show is rated 'PG'. The adult humour is similar to Shrek and whilst 'rude' in places it is unlikely that younger viewers will get all the jokes ;)
Woking Drama Festival 2014 - Teenage Play - October 2014
Rhoda McGraw Theatre, Woking
Produced and Directed by Terry Sharp we are entering a one-act play starring just the older teens of the club. Details to follow. Can we win a 3rd award in our Three years of taking part?
Apple Day - Late October 2014
Home Cottage Farm, Iver Heath
From 2pm (tbc) . IHDC will be planning something similar to the Party in the Park event. If you have prizes or would like to volunteer to help please email - Check facebook for more or
Panto 2015: Robin Hood and the Babes in the Wood - Late Jan/Early Feb 2015
Iver Heath New Village Hall
Dates once confirmed will appear on IHDC Facebook. Tickets will be rising slightly compared to last year. We have already started taking bookings (Hello to Uxbridge Scouts who have booked 70? seats for the last show!)
Matt Streuli (2nd from Right) receives a 'Runner-up' certificate at South Bucks District Council awards. Thanks to Eric Streuli
Friday, 14 March 2014
PRESS RELEASE: He's our Volunteer Hero!
It is with pride and a beaming smile I am happy to confirm that Matthew Streuli has been shortlisted for a Chairman's Award from South Bucks District Council:
Matt Streuli, 24, has been a member of the Iver Heath Drama Club for around 14 years. Working his way up from a pantomime panda through to the Dame in residence, Matt's contribution has not just been on the stage - he's also a volunteer behind and in front of it which is why he has been shortlisted for the Chairman's Community and Volunteering Awards that are due to take place at the South Buckinghamshire Golf Course on Wednesday 26th March.
Matt has been the Publicity Officer, in charge of posters, programmes, YouTube videos and Facebook for almost ten years. "His work and contribution has been outstanding" said local childminder Carol Campling. "He thinks we don't notice all the things he does. But we do. I don't quite know where he finds all the time!" This year's panto had 5 out of 6 shows sell out.
Last year, the club's members voted unanimously to promote Matthew to the position of Vice-Chairman, supporting local great-grandmother Sandra Corcoran who has also won community awards for her work with the Drama club but also local Day Care Centers and the Ivers Mobility Club.
However Matthew's nomination is also recognising the personal achievements he as has made. Matthew's mother, Janet Streuli, died due to her severe alcoholism in 2003 when he was only 13. Matt's childhood was dedicated to caring for his mother. "I have always been very open about how hard it was looking after a drunk 46 year old on my own, and also about the mental health issues it has stirred in my life. IHDC has been an important cornerstone in my life; offering me the big brothers and sisters, freinds and adult role models that I lacked at home but at IHDC they help teach me important skills and talents. That's why I put 110% back into the drama club."
Matt goes onto say "I will always fight for community groups like IHDC. They keeps bored kids off the streets and give them the support and the goal of something to work towards whether its a Scouting badge or a pantomime. It helped me and we need it to keep going to help today's youngsters especially during the harsh recession"
Dispute his difficult childhood Matthew has gone on to get 12 GCSEs, 3 A Levels, a car and motorbike driving license, a personal license for selling Alcohol as well as acting highlights such as Fat Sam in Bugsy Malone and Widow Twanky in Aladdin. He is looking forward to the summer plays and the next Pantomime with is Robin Hood. Matt currently lives in his own flat in Wexham and works for Robert Bosch Ltd in Denham.
Panto director and best friend Claire Freeman said: "Iver Heath is an interesting community: in Wood Lane there are mansions worth over £1 million and yet there are people living in poverty on benefits just 10 minutes walk away. At IHDC, everyone is equal and it is fantastic to see children and adults from across the spectrum of wealth, culture, skillset and ability work together. Matt puts so much of his time and his money into the club to make sure the support it gave him is always there for the adults, teenagers and children of our area".
She went on to day "It's fantastic to see him be shortlisted and I really hope he wins an award. He deserves to win!"
The Iver Heath Drama Club was established in 1948 by John Hargreaves and members of the local Women's Institute. At the moment, it receives no government or council funding, just surviving on donations and profits from performances.The club played a vital role in the building of the current Iver Heath Village Hall which it continues to call home and to this day maintains the stage lights and stage for the club, hall and other hirers to use. The club charges a £2 a week membership fee and has the lowest pantomime ticket prices in our region.
Email -
Telephone - Carol Campling on 07941 818 621
Photos below and on
Council contact: Claire Speirs, Community Team, 01895 837 306
Examples of Matt's posters, programmes, videos and e-Newsletters are on
Matt Streuli, 24, has been a member of the Iver Heath Drama Club for around 14 years. Working his way up from a pantomime panda through to the Dame in residence, Matt's contribution has not just been on the stage - he's also a volunteer behind and in front of it which is why he has been shortlisted for the Chairman's Community and Volunteering Awards that are due to take place at the South Buckinghamshire Golf Course on Wednesday 26th March.
Matt has been the Publicity Officer, in charge of posters, programmes, YouTube videos and Facebook for almost ten years. "His work and contribution has been outstanding" said local childminder Carol Campling. "He thinks we don't notice all the things he does. But we do. I don't quite know where he finds all the time!" This year's panto had 5 out of 6 shows sell out.
Last year, the club's members voted unanimously to promote Matthew to the position of Vice-Chairman, supporting local great-grandmother Sandra Corcoran who has also won community awards for her work with the Drama club but also local Day Care Centers and the Ivers Mobility Club.
However Matthew's nomination is also recognising the personal achievements he as has made. Matthew's mother, Janet Streuli, died due to her severe alcoholism in 2003 when he was only 13. Matt's childhood was dedicated to caring for his mother. "I have always been very open about how hard it was looking after a drunk 46 year old on my own, and also about the mental health issues it has stirred in my life. IHDC has been an important cornerstone in my life; offering me the big brothers and sisters, freinds and adult role models that I lacked at home but at IHDC they help teach me important skills and talents. That's why I put 110% back into the drama club."
Matt goes onto say "I will always fight for community groups like IHDC. They keeps bored kids off the streets and give them the support and the goal of something to work towards whether its a Scouting badge or a pantomime. It helped me and we need it to keep going to help today's youngsters especially during the harsh recession"
Dispute his difficult childhood Matthew has gone on to get 12 GCSEs, 3 A Levels, a car and motorbike driving license, a personal license for selling Alcohol as well as acting highlights such as Fat Sam in Bugsy Malone and Widow Twanky in Aladdin. He is looking forward to the summer plays and the next Pantomime with is Robin Hood. Matt currently lives in his own flat in Wexham and works for Robert Bosch Ltd in Denham.
Panto director and best friend Claire Freeman said: "Iver Heath is an interesting community: in Wood Lane there are mansions worth over £1 million and yet there are people living in poverty on benefits just 10 minutes walk away. At IHDC, everyone is equal and it is fantastic to see children and adults from across the spectrum of wealth, culture, skillset and ability work together. Matt puts so much of his time and his money into the club to make sure the support it gave him is always there for the adults, teenagers and children of our area".
She went on to day "It's fantastic to see him be shortlisted and I really hope he wins an award. He deserves to win!"
The Iver Heath Drama Club was established in 1948 by John Hargreaves and members of the local Women's Institute. At the moment, it receives no government or council funding, just surviving on donations and profits from performances.The club played a vital role in the building of the current Iver Heath Village Hall which it continues to call home and to this day maintains the stage lights and stage for the club, hall and other hirers to use. The club charges a £2 a week membership fee and has the lowest pantomime ticket prices in our region.
Email -
Telephone - Carol Campling on 07941 818 621
Photos below and on
Council contact: Claire Speirs, Community Team, 01895 837 306
Examples of Matt's posters, programmes, videos and e-Newsletters are on
Friday, 7 March 2014
March 2014 - Post-Panto Report, News from the Committee and BREAKING NEWS: what is Panto 2015!
Post-Panto Report, News from the Committee and BREAKING NEWS: what is Panto 2015!
Good day! Hello!
Panto Report
So the final figures from pantomime are in and in summary, compared to Aladdin 2013, ticket sales were up but profit was down.
This year we sold more tickets than ever, taking advantage of the new License Laws and performing on a Sunday really paid off! However a lot of those tickets were either Group or Family rates. This combined with inflation etc meant that we did make a profit is was much less than last year. This is mixed news... The profit from pantomime helps subsidise the membership fees which pay for essentials such as the cost of hall rental over the next 12 months. That being said, I honestly believe that Cinderella 2014 was the best panto I was involved in. The feedback we had was amazing and from watching the DVDs I can honestly say the set, props, lights, acting... the whole thing was tip-top. Well done! It was so good, that our local Church wrote a two page review in their monthly magazine (picture online at )
News from the Committee
Whilst panto did make a profit, it was not quite big enough. We were also informed that our Wednesday rehearsal hall rate is going up, which is only fair and probably overdue, but with the threat of going up even further next year. This puts us in a difficult position. We keep our membership fees and ticket prices as low as we can to make sure we involve the entire community.
Iver Heath is an interesting community: in Wood Lane there are mansions worth over £1 million and yet there are people living in poverty on benefits just 10 minutes walk away. At IHDC, everyone is equal and it is fantastic to see children & adults from accross the spectrum of wealth, culture, skillset and ability work together.
The committee have agreed that group pricing along with general pricing for the 2015 panto will have to increase but we will keep this to a absolute minimum. We are also going to propose at the AGM (Annual General Meeting) that we maintain the current £2 weekly fee for members aged 15 and under and introduce a £3 weekly fee for those aged 16 and over. On one hand an extra £1 per week might not seem much but to each adult member it is an extra £50 (ish) a year. That increase in funding will help counter the increase in hall rental and as we are starting Panto 2015 early it does mean we spread that cost also.
Overall, we need to look at finding grants, community funding and getting the entire club involved in fundraising events - such as Party in the Park this summer.
In other news, there will be amendments to the club's Code of Conduct, regarding Health and Safety updates. We have also voted into immediate effect a new Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy. Most of it is already practiced by the club and is common sense but in 21st Century UK all organisations need a framework like this. Please do have a read (or re-read) and it will mean we will require 3-4 volunteers (parents please!!) to help Chaperone the children each show. There will also be changes to signing them in and out but we can deal with that nearer show time.
Finally, pencil in your diary the summer show dates:
Wednesday 2nd July 7:30pm
Sunday 6th July - TBC
IHDC's 2015 Panto will be....
by Claire Freeman:
And Auditions are IN MARCH!!! Yes, that early...
This is due to a fantastic offer we have had from Abi Eady's mum to make us all our costumes over in Thailand! This means we need measurements for her. So we will be doing a panto workshop on Wednesday 19th and then auditions and casting on Wednesday 26th at 7pm. If you are wanting to be in panto please be there these two weeks. I know some people are busy with other commitments over the summer and plan to come back for panto... please come to these two weeks and then we will be leaving it alone until August.
I will be posting audition info up nearer the time on the Facebook page.
Auditions are open to IHDC members only. There is a smaller than normal adult main cast but there is 2 yout main parts. If you are interested in joining IHDC and auditioning then email or visit our Facebook Page. If you audition then you agree that you will be in the show's chorus/Merry Men if you do not get a main part. The chorus is a vital part of the Robin Hood and is on stage more than the Dame!
And Finally:
There will be roadworks AGAIN on the Uxbridge Road A412 (connects Iver Heath with Slough) whilst Southern Electric dig up the road and lay new power cables - again. This goes on for the next month or so. So we suggest you use other routes (go via Wexham Road and Black Park for example) or leave extra time.
Much love!
Matt Streuli
Vice Chairman of IHDC
Good day! Hello!
Panto Report
So the final figures from pantomime are in and in summary, compared to Aladdin 2013, ticket sales were up but profit was down.
This year we sold more tickets than ever, taking advantage of the new License Laws and performing on a Sunday really paid off! However a lot of those tickets were either Group or Family rates. This combined with inflation etc meant that we did make a profit is was much less than last year. This is mixed news... The profit from pantomime helps subsidise the membership fees which pay for essentials such as the cost of hall rental over the next 12 months. That being said, I honestly believe that Cinderella 2014 was the best panto I was involved in. The feedback we had was amazing and from watching the DVDs I can honestly say the set, props, lights, acting... the whole thing was tip-top. Well done! It was so good, that our local Church wrote a two page review in their monthly magazine (picture online at )
News from the Committee
Whilst panto did make a profit, it was not quite big enough. We were also informed that our Wednesday rehearsal hall rate is going up, which is only fair and probably overdue, but with the threat of going up even further next year. This puts us in a difficult position. We keep our membership fees and ticket prices as low as we can to make sure we involve the entire community.
Iver Heath is an interesting community: in Wood Lane there are mansions worth over £1 million and yet there are people living in poverty on benefits just 10 minutes walk away. At IHDC, everyone is equal and it is fantastic to see children & adults from accross the spectrum of wealth, culture, skillset and ability work together.
The committee have agreed that group pricing along with general pricing for the 2015 panto will have to increase but we will keep this to a absolute minimum. We are also going to propose at the AGM (Annual General Meeting) that we maintain the current £2 weekly fee for members aged 15 and under and introduce a £3 weekly fee for those aged 16 and over. On one hand an extra £1 per week might not seem much but to each adult member it is an extra £50 (ish) a year. That increase in funding will help counter the increase in hall rental and as we are starting Panto 2015 early it does mean we spread that cost also.
Overall, we need to look at finding grants, community funding and getting the entire club involved in fundraising events - such as Party in the Park this summer.
In other news, there will be amendments to the club's Code of Conduct, regarding Health and Safety updates. We have also voted into immediate effect a new Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy. Most of it is already practiced by the club and is common sense but in 21st Century UK all organisations need a framework like this. Please do have a read (or re-read) and it will mean we will require 3-4 volunteers (parents please!!) to help Chaperone the children each show. There will also be changes to signing them in and out but we can deal with that nearer show time.
Finally, pencil in your diary the summer show dates:
Wednesday 2nd July 7:30pm
Sunday 6th July - TBC
IHDC's 2015 Panto will be....
by Claire Freeman:
And Auditions are IN MARCH!!! Yes, that early...
This is due to a fantastic offer we have had from Abi Eady's mum to make us all our costumes over in Thailand! This means we need measurements for her. So we will be doing a panto workshop on Wednesday 19th and then auditions and casting on Wednesday 26th at 7pm. If you are wanting to be in panto please be there these two weeks. I know some people are busy with other commitments over the summer and plan to come back for panto... please come to these two weeks and then we will be leaving it alone until August.
I will be posting audition info up nearer the time on the Facebook page.
Auditions are open to IHDC members only. There is a smaller than normal adult main cast but there is 2 yout main parts. If you are interested in joining IHDC and auditioning then email or visit our Facebook Page. If you audition then you agree that you will be in the show's chorus/Merry Men if you do not get a main part. The chorus is a vital part of the Robin Hood and is on stage more than the Dame!
And Finally:
There will be roadworks AGAIN on the Uxbridge Road A412 (connects Iver Heath with Slough) whilst Southern Electric dig up the road and lay new power cables - again. This goes on for the next month or so. So we suggest you use other routes (go via Wexham Road and Black Park for example) or leave extra time.
Much love!
Matt Streuli
Vice Chairman of IHDC
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