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This is here for archive use only.

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Thursday, 12 December 2013

December 2014 - NEWS/Enewsletter

So as the nights get longer and Mr Frost makes a more regular appearance, here’s the latest from Stoneybroke AKA IHDC:

Start Spreading the News!      
Have you spotted us in the local papers? We’ve made it into three papers in the past few weeks! The cuttings are on our Facebook page and on the Press page of
This little bit of press coverage has really helped and we’ve had some big group bookings in the past couple of weeks – so nag your friends and family –spread the news!

Best Sales EVER!
Chairwoman and Box Office extraordinaire Sandra commented this week that she’s never seen sales this good before Christmas. We’ve had some big groups book (hello to Iver Heath Brownies and the Automotive CUS team at Bosch!) and some more due too. As we’ve said we hate to turn people away so please nag your friends and family to call now otherwise the show they want to come to might be sold out – even before Christmas! During our recent adventures at the Richings Park Christmas Fayre (where Grizelda flirted and sang with The Salvation Army) and the Ivers Christmas Light Switch-On (where lots of little ones posed for pics with Cinderella) we were actually blown away with some of the great feedback we received – especially with several locals who said that whilst we were the cheapest panto around we were definitely the best village panto they’d ever seen.

 Panto Dates and details, along with a pretty cool video is at the bottom of the email!
As always rehearsal info is along with the song lyrics on the news page of - SCROLL DOWN!!

It’s Christmas!
Finally a big thank you Claire and Paul Freeman who organised and ran a Frantic Christmas social. At the time of typing this over 1000 people had seen the pictures on facebook, yet we’ve only got 180 likes on Facebook and we’ve only sold 100-ish tickets… So please, if you haven’t already find us on Facebook and click LIKE.

 From everyone at IHDC, have a safe, merry and lovely Christmas and we look forward to a fantastic 2014!

Saturday 25th January 2:30pm – PERFECT FOR FAMILIES!
Saturday 25th January 7:00pm
Sunday 26th January 3:00pm - 40% SOLD

Friday 31st January 7:00pm - IDEAL FOR FRIENDS
Saturday 1st February 1:30pm – ALMOST SOLD OUT
Saturday 1st February 5:45pm

Doors and tuck shop open 15 minutes before show  - IVER HEATH VILLAGE HALL, Iver Heath, SL0 0DA (There are Yellow AA Signs at the end of the road to help)
Adults £8-00    Concessions £5-00       Family (2 adults & 2 concessions) £22-00
Box Office 01753 652 616 Call & Book Now

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Cinderella 2014 - Cast and Crew Update!

 Hello cast and crew!

Scroll down for a list of rehearsal and show dates.

Tonight, Wed 30th October,  we are asking everyone to wear costume or black clothing so we can take a whole cast and crew photo to show off James's award but also to use on flyers.

On Wednesday 13th November we are having a Fancy Dress Rehearsal to raise money for BBC Children In Need. It is only £1 (on top of the normal £2 membership fee).

On Wednesday 4th December we have a Christmas Social! Friends and Family are invited. Bring a picnic! Entertainment includes the all new game show FRANTIC by Paul Freeman.

Finally, below is the songsheets for panto!

For more information please see our Facebook page or call 01753 652 616.


Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Cinderella 2014 - PANTOMIME - Tickets on sale!

Call 01753 652 616 > TICKETS ARE THE SAME PRICES AS 2013!!

Monday, 16 September 2013

Woking Festival 2013

To the cast and crew of ALICE and R&J
and their carers/parents,

The Rhoda McGaw Theatre has 250 seats and we need your support to fill it.

Tickets are available from:, 01932 562 762 or 07794 624 106. Tickets are only £8.00 and there is a multi-storey car park available at the adjacent Peacocks Centre, directions are available via the Festival website.

The itinerary is on the following page with a returns slip. Please complete this and return to me as soon as possible. Please feel free to contact Matt or myself if you have any questions.
More information about the festival and the other plays taking part is on their website:

Thank you once again for all your help and support,

Terry Sharp
IHDC Festival Organiser & Club Treasurer

For full letter please email
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