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Thursday, 26 June 2014

It's Show time! Summer 2014

Our normal July newsletter will follow later in the month. Previous E-newsletters are below and on the IHDC Facebook page.

Don't forget that IHDC runs all year (except for a week or two at Christmas), and we survive purely on membership fees and profits from shows. We are run by volunteers who give up alot of their time for this great community asset.

Summer Show:  'A Midsummer's Night Dream' and 'Two Weddings and a Conference"
Iver Heath New Village Hall, SL0 0DA

Wednesday 9th July - 7:30pm (Doors open from 7pm)
Saturday 12th July - 5:00pm (Doors from 4:30pm)

Two One-Act-Plays. in one show for ONE ticket!!
Tickets are £5.00 each - You need to book their tickets on the box office number 01753 652616 ASAP

The Youth Group are a 40 minute version of Shakespeare's  'A Midsummer's Night Dream' followed by the Adults, who after the interval are performing a 1h10 comedy called  'Two Weddings and a Conference".

Pictures of both shows are available here and by looking at previous blog posts.

 The adult's show is rated 'PG'. The adult humour is similar to Shrek and whilst 'rude' in places it is unlikely that younger viewers will get all the jokes ;)

We are all really grateful for the time and effort the kids and adults are putting in for this summer show, and what a show it's shaping up to be, however we really need you to ensure the kids and adults are at all rehearsals and the shows now! 

On the subject of the shows if you want to see your children perform and, let's face it who wouldn't as they are all amazing, please call to prebook tickets ASAP also if you give your child's name they could win a prize for selling the most tickets! 

So friends/ family need to book their tickets on the box office number 01753 652616 ASAP and quote the cast member's name when they book! One person has sold over 10 tickets already! The prize will be a choice of cinema vouchers, bottle of fizz or sweetie hamper. SO... GET DIALLING!!  

If we can make a profit from the Summer Shows it will go towards paying for the forthcoming Pantomime (ROBIN HOOD) which starts rehearsals late July. (New Adult Members welcome, check out our last newsletter!) 

Wednesday 9th July - 7:30pm = Crew from 6pm & Cast from 6:30pm
Saturday 12th July - 5:00pm = Crew from 2:30pm & Cast from 3:30pm

Full costume and props and make up on Wednesday - THIS IS YOUR LAST REHEARSAL

Dates for your Diary:
Please scroll down to our last newsletter for latest events or check our Facebook page!

FUNDRAISING Quiz Night - Save the Date! 
Saturday 4th October @ 6pm 
Quiz starts at 6:30pm. Teams of 5 max and we recommend having a range of ages ;) 
£3 per adult (16+) and £2 for children. Non, old or New IHDC members are welcome.

Prizes include: TO BE CONFIRMED

Bring your own snacks and drinks (tuck shop will be open early evening).
Hosted and written by our own 'Pointless' Matt Streuli and Joe Campling.
Children welcome however they must be accompanied by their parents / Carers.

Profits go towards funding the Iver Heath Drama Club (a not for profit community group run by volunteers) into their 67th year and their forthcoming panto: ROBIN HOOD AND THE BABES IN THE WOOD (Directed by Claire Freeman and written by Alan P Fryan). 

PLEASE NOTE - that our Policies have now been updated. Please read them on our website They apply to all members and anyone who attends an IHDC event.

Visit our NEW Merchandising shop:  

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

June 2014 - UPDATE

Scroll down for the Main June e-Newsletter:

Please note the change of times!
Sunday 22nd June at Iver Heath Hall
Youth Show 10am-12pm 
Adults 2pm – 7pm

Visit our NEW Merchandising shop: 


Monday, 2 June 2014

June 2014 - Tickets on sale now!

Hello and welcome to the June edition of our e-Newsletter. Where has the past 6 months gone? Its nearly panto time already!

Don't forget that IHDC runs all year (except for a week or two at Christmas), and we survive purely on membership fees and profits from shows. We are run by volunteers who give up alot of their time for this great community asset.

PLEASE NOTE - that our Policies are being updated. Please read them on our website They apply too all members and anyone who attends an IHDC event.

Saturday 7th June -From 1pm @ Iver Heath Junior School
Robin Hood will be there performing a song and dance and depending on commitments IHDC may have a stall.

Summer Show:  'A Midsummer's Night Dream' and 'Two Weddings and a Conference"
Iver Heath New Village Hall, SL0 0DA
Wednesday 9th July - 7:30pm
Saturday 12th July - 5:00pm
Two One-Act-Plays.
The Youth Group are a 35 minute version of Shakespeare's  'A Midsummer's Night Dream' whilst the Adults are performing a 1h10 comedy called  'Two Weddings and a Conference". Tickets go on sale later this month (keep an eye on Facebook for more) at £5.00 each (under 5s go free). The adult's show is rated 'PG'. The adult humour is similar to Shrek and whilst 'rude' in places it is unlikely that younger viewers will get all the jokes ;)

EXTRA REHEARSAL  - on Sunday 22nd June at Iver Heath Hall. Youth show, 2pm-4:15pm. Adults 4pm to 7:45pm. Thanks

New Members?

We are looking for new adult members (aged 20+) of all ages and abilities on and off stage. We currently have a waiting list for Children and Teenagers.
This becuase we are not a school - we are a volunteer group - and in accordance with our Child Protection Policy and physical size of the stage we cannot take new Under 18 members until later this year.

Dates for your Diary:

Ivers' Party in the Park : Saturday 5th July 2014
Iver Rec Ground
From 2pm (tbc) @ Iver Rec Ground. IHDC has two stalls - one of which is a REAL HERBIE! If you have prizes or would like to volunteer to help please email - Check our Facebook for more or visit

Summer Show:  'A Midsummer's Night Dream' and 'Two Weddings and a Conference"
Iver Heath New Village Hall   TICKETS ON SALE NOW - 01753 652 616
Wednesday 9th July - 7:30pm
Saturday 12th July - 5:00pm
Two One-Act-Plays. The Youth Group are a 35 minute version of Shakespeare's  'A Midsummer's Night Dream' whilst the Adults are performing a 1h10 comedy called  'Two Weddings and a Conference". Tickets go on sale later this month (keep an eye on Facebook for more). The adult's show is rated 'PG'. The adult humour is similar to Shrek and whilst 'rude' in places it is unlikely that younger viewers will get all the jokes ;)

 Woking Drama Festival 2014 - Teenage Play - October 2014
Rhoda McGraw Theatre, Woking
Produced and Directed by Terry Sharp we are entering a one-act play starring just the older teens of the club. Details to follow. Can we win a 3rd award in our Three years of taking part?

Apple Day  - Late October 2014  
Home Cottage Farm, Iver Heath
From 2pm (tbc) . IHDC will be planning something similar to the Party in the Park event. If you have prizes or would like to volunteer to help please email  - Check facebook for more or

Panto 2015: Robin Hood and the Babes in the Wood - Late Jan/Early Feb 2015
Iver Heath New Village Hall
Dates once confirmed will appear on IHDC Facebook. Tickets will be rising slightly compared to last year.
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