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Monday, 31 March 2014

April 2014 - Panto is Cast and Summer Shows are GO!

Have you read our Constitution? Code of Conduct? or the new Child and Vulnerable Adult Policy?

By attending any IHDC event or rehearsal you agree to abide by and help enforce the rules in these documents, or if your child attends the club then you agree to do the same by default. They can all be found on the IHDC website or - along with the Robin Hood Songbook :)

Matt's Runner Up Community Champion Award
"South Bucks District Council held its Chairman’s Community and Volunteering 2014 Awards at the South Buckinghamshire clubhouse, in Stoke Poges. Winners were applauded for the work they do at an evening reception. Chairman of South Bucks District Council, councillor Santokh Chhokar said: “The evening was a great success and everyone really enjoyed themselves."

Matt didn't win the award it self - always next year! Picture at the end of the blog/newsletter.

A big well done though to Fredrick Batchelor from Iver Heath won the community champion award for his pivotal role in keeping the Iver Heath Community Library project on course.

As you may of seen in our previous newsletters we need to look at fundraising to help offset the increase in hall hire and general costs we are seeing - including inflation. We would love your ideas but also your help :)

We're also looking for a small doughnut machine. Do you own one we could borrow? Check our Facebook for more

Summer Shows

Check our Facebook for more. Dates at bottom
Our Youth team is already hard at work on their adaptation of Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer's Night Dream' whilst the adults are about to cast their comedy "Two Weddings and a Conference". Shows dates and details below.

Cinderella 2014:

Please see March's newsletter for a full report. The DVD's have now all been delivered and the first 'clip' has appeared on YouTube - just a quick note that Matt posts these on his personal YouTube, so some of the videos might not be 'family suitable'.
Pantomime: Robin Hood and the Babes in the Wood

"Robin Hood the 2015 has been cast. Thanks to all who auditioned I am so glad everyone will have a speaking part this year as you never fail to amaze me with your auditions and talent!" - Claire Freeman

This panto has the largest chorus ever, - in fact they have more songs and lines than the Dame and everyone who auditioned agreed to that if they were not in the main cast then they would have a speaking/singing part in the chorus - and I expect everyone who auditioned to stand by this promise 100%- the chorus MAKE the pantomime and I honestly believe we had the best chorus ever in 2014. Panto is a team effort. 

The line up is;
Robin- Lee Hall
Marian- Lucy Campling
Will Scarlet- Emily Campling
Friar Tuck- John Williams
Little John- Aidan Parr
Sheriff- Terry Sharp
Snivel- Falcon Garman
Grovel- Louis Theochari
Nellie- Matt Streuli
Bard- Carl Hopcroft
Sam- Charlie Williams & Connor Mcginn
Ella- Alice Campling & Courtney ????
Minstrel- Emily Miller
Guy of Gisburn - Abi Eady

Dates for your Diary:

Ivers' Party in the Park : Saturday 5th July 2014
Iver Rec Ground
From 2pm (tbc) @ Iver Rec Ground. IHDC has two stalls. If you have prizes or would like to volunteer to help please email - Check our Facebook for more or visit

Summer Show:  'A Midsummer's Night Dream' and 'Two Weddings and a Conference"
Iver Heath New Village Hall
Wednesday 9th July - 7:30pm
Saturday 12th July - 5:00pm
Two One-Act-Plays. The Youth Group are a 35 minute version of Shakespeare's  'A Midsummer's Night Dream' whilst the Adults are performing a 1h10 comedy called  'Two Weddings and a Conference". Tickets go on sale later this month (keep an eye on Facebook for more). The adult's show is rated 'PG'. The adult humour is similar to Shrek and whilst 'rude' in places it is unlikely that younger viewers will get all the jokes ;)

 Woking Drama Festival 2014 - Teenage Play - October 2014
Rhoda McGraw Theatre, Woking
Produced and Directed by Terry Sharp we are entering a one-act play starring just the older teens of the club. Details to follow. Can we win a 3rd award in our Three years of taking part?

Apple Day  - Late October 2014  
Home Cottage Farm, Iver Heath
From 2pm (tbc) . IHDC will be planning something similar to the Party in the Park event. If you have prizes or would like to volunteer to help please email  - Check facebook for more or

Panto 2015: Robin Hood and the Babes in the Wood - Late Jan/Early Feb 2015
Iver Heath New Village Hall
Dates once confirmed will appear on IHDC Facebook. Tickets will be rising slightly compared to last year. We have already started taking bookings (Hello to Uxbridge Scouts who have booked 70? seats for the last show!)

Matt Streuli (2nd from Right) receives a 'Runner-up' certificate at South Bucks District Council awards. Thanks to Eric Streuli 
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