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Friday, 7 March 2014

March 2014 - Post-Panto Report, News from the Committee and BREAKING NEWS: what is Panto 2015!

Post-Panto Report, News from the Committee and BREAKING NEWS: what is Panto 2015!

Good day! Hello!

Panto Report

So the final figures from pantomime are in and in summary, compared to Aladdin 2013, ticket sales were up but profit was down.

This year we sold more tickets than ever, taking advantage of the new License Laws and performing on a Sunday really paid off! However a lot of those tickets were either Group or Family rates. This combined with inflation etc meant that we did make a profit is was much less than last year. This is mixed news... The profit from pantomime helps subsidise the membership fees which pay for essentials such as the cost of hall rental over the next 12 months. That being said, I honestly believe that Cinderella 2014 was the best panto I was involved in. The feedback we had was amazing and from watching the DVDs I can honestly say the set, props, lights, acting... the whole thing was tip-top. Well done! It was so good, that our local Church wrote a two page review in their monthly magazine (picture online at )

News from the Committee
Whilst panto did make a profit, it was not quite big enough. We were also informed that our Wednesday rehearsal hall rate is going up, which is only fair and probably overdue, but with the threat of going up even further next year. This puts us in a difficult position. We keep our membership fees and ticket prices as low as we can to make sure we involve the entire community.

Iver Heath is an interesting community: in Wood Lane there are mansions worth over £1 million and yet there are people living in poverty on benefits just 10 minutes walk away. At IHDC, everyone is equal and it is fantastic to see children & adults from accross the spectrum of wealth, culture, skillset and ability work together.

The committee have agreed that group pricing along with general pricing for the 2015 panto will have to increase but we will keep this to a absolute minimum. We are also going to propose at the AGM (Annual General Meeting) that we maintain the current £2 weekly fee for members aged 15 and under and introduce a £3 weekly fee for those aged 16 and over. On one hand an extra £1 per week might not seem much but to each adult member it is an extra £50 (ish) a year. That increase in funding will help counter the increase in hall rental and as we are starting Panto 2015 early it does mean we spread that cost also.

Overall, we need to look at finding grants, community funding and getting the entire club involved in fundraising events - such as Party in the Park this summer.

In other news, there will be amendments to the club's Code of Conduct, regarding Health and Safety updates. We have also voted into immediate effect a new Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy. Most of it is already practiced by the club and is common sense but in 21st Century UK all organisations need a framework like this. Please do have a read (or re-read) and it will mean we will require 3-4 volunteers (parents please!!) to help Chaperone the children each show. There will also be changes to signing them in and out but we can deal with that nearer show time.

Finally, pencil in your diary the summer show dates:
Wednesday 2nd July 7:30pm

Sunday 6th July - TBC

IHDC's 2015 Panto will be.... 
by Claire Freeman: 

And Auditions are IN MARCH!!! Yes, that early...

This is due to a fantastic offer we have had from Abi Eady's mum to make us all our costumes over in Thailand! This means we need measurements for her. So we will be doing a panto workshop on Wednesday 19th and then auditions and casting on Wednesday 26th at 7pm. If you are wanting to be in panto please be there these two weeks. I know some people are busy with other commitments over the summer and plan to come back for panto... please come to these two weeks and then we will be leaving it alone until August.

I will be posting audition info up nearer the time on the Facebook page.

Auditions are open to IHDC members only. There is a smaller than normal adult main cast but there is 2 yout main parts. If you are interested in joining IHDC and auditioning then email or visit our Facebook Page. If you audition then you agree that you will be in the show's chorus/Merry Men if you do not get a main part. The chorus is a vital part of the Robin Hood and is on stage more than the Dame!

And Finally:
There will be roadworks AGAIN on the Uxbridge Road A412 (connects Iver Heath with Slough) whilst Southern Electric dig up the road and lay new power cables - again. This goes on for the next month or so. So we suggest you use other routes (go via Wexham Road and Black Park for example) or leave extra time.

Much love!

Matt Streuli

Vice Chairman of IHDC

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